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Will my piece tarnish?Updated 2 years ago

How susceptible your piece is to tarnishing depends on what it’s made out of. General advice about jewelry care can be found here.


Though gold-fill can naturally tarnish over time, it’s easily cleaned! We include a polish cloth in our packaging which we recommend using only when your piece is dull or tarnished—not for everyday cleaning purposes. It should be used “lightly” and not pressed hard against the metal to remove tarnish, as it could rub off the gold on your piece over time.

Rose Gold-Fill:
Rose gold fill is more prone to tarnishing than gold-fill because of the small amount of copper alloyed with the gold that gives it its beautiful pink color. but the same care tips that apply to gold fill also apply to rose gold-fill.  

To prevent rose gold and gold-fill tarnishing:

  • Avoid getting any product on your jewelry
  • Clean it with mild soap and warm water and thoroughly dry it after wearing
  • Store it in an airtight container such as a ziplock bag 
  • Avoid exposure to humidity


Sterling Silver:
Sterling silver does tarnish due to a natural chemical reaction that occurs when silver is exposed to air—even the most expensive sterling silver jewelry in the world tarnishes over time. Luckily, un-tarnishing sterling silver is pretty simple. Just give it a quick rub with a polishing cloth or use a product such as
Wright’s Silver Cream

Please note that sterling silver will tarnish more readily during humid summer months, or when left sitting out in exposed air for long periods of time. 


14k Solid Gold:
Solid gold doesn’t tarnish, but like everything else, it can lose its shiny, polished finish through regular wear and tear. Simply shine it up again using a soft cloth to return it to an original luster. 

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