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Jewelry Care

How do I clean my jewelry and how often should I clean it?

Regardless of your lifestyle and how careful you are with your jewelry, it does need to be cleaned. With some simple daily maintenance and an occasional deep clean, your piece can retain its vibrancy. Cleaning cautions: Gemstones can vary widely in

Summer Care Tips

Summer tends to be harder on jewelry in general. Metal is more susceptible to tarnishing in humidity, chlorinated or saltwater, and exposure to sunscreen and sweat.  Take off your jewelry when playing in the water—chlorine and other chemicals don’t

Avoiding Tangled Jewelry and Correcting A Tangle

A tangled chain is one of the most common ways for your piece to get damaged or break. The best ways to avoid tangling are as follows: Before putting your piece on, hold it in the air from one end, letting the other end dangle and spin until it stop

How should I store my jewelry when I'm not wearing it?

Knowing how to properly store your piece after each wear is one of the easiest ways to keep it looking great for longer, as it reduces the time it’s exposed to air, slows down oxidation and overall lessens the chance of tarnish. Below are some handy

How do I clean and care for my jewelry?

Even if you are diligent about making sure your jewelry doesn’t get exposed to product or other harmful chemicals, your body’s natural oils can still cause tarnish over time. We recommend giving it a thorough clean every dozen wears or so by soaking

Will my piece tarnish?

How susceptible your piece is to tarnishing depends on what it’s made out of. General advice about jewelry care can be found here.   Gold-Fill: Though gold-fill can naturally tarnish over time, it’s easily cleaned! We include a polish cloth in our p

Can my jewelry get wet?

In general, fresh water (such as from rain, a river or a lake) will not harm your piece, as none of the metals we use rust and water won’t cause them to tarnish. (Do make sure to dry any piece off after it gets wet.) However, do watch out for harsh

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