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Can you stamp in foreign languages or using foreign alphabets?Updated 2 years ago

Most of our pieces are handmade using metal-die stamps, and we can stamp your piece in any language that uses the Latin alphabet.

Though we don’t have any stamps for non-Latin alphabets, we are able to do engravings for any language. (Check out our Actual Handwriting Necklace for an example of engraving vs. stamped.) Please note that it is a bit more difficult to be precise when engraving than when stamping, so we may not be able to personalize non-Latin alphabets on some of our daintier pieces.

If you’d like something engraved on one of our pieces using a non-Latin alphabet, please reach out to our Care Team and let us know:

  1. What alphabet you’d like to use
  2. What message you would like inscribed
  3. What piece you would like it inscribed on

 They will be in contact with our engraver ASAP and let you know if it is possible as soon as they can.

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